Vincent TRINEL
Level Designer

Platform: PC
Team size: 11
Role: Game Designer / Gameplay programmer / Level designer
Period: 1 Year - 2017/2018

This game is a year project started with a team of 7 people. The goal was to create a vertical slice of a 2D top-down game inspired by the zelda-like genre.
In this game the player controls a spiritual guardian who can invoke powers, such as wind, by drawing a special shape called a mantra.
The project was a success and the team decided to continue it in order to release the final game on steam.
My missions
Created the game concept with a team
Designed all the player abilities with the design team
Designed the UI in collaboration with a game artist
Designed the AI and bosses
Designed some levels parts
Tweaked all the different values of the 3C to adjust the feel of the controller and the core mechanic
Programmed the core gameplay, 3C, AI, Level Tools, and all game systems
Integrated graphics and audios assets in the engine
Scripted some levels parts
The team
Game designers:
Game artists:
Tech/Fx artist:
Sound designer: